Dr. Feil

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  • Mehlfreie Eiweißbrot-Backmischung mit 72 Prozent Nuss-Saatenanteil - ohne Soja und ohne Weizen

    Dr. Feil Gut-Brot nuss

    Starting at: €7.95

  • Mühlenfrisches Leinöl
    250 ml Flasche

    Dr. Feil Leinöl

    €7.50 *

    Out of stock

    Out of stock

    • free from soy and grains
    • rich in protein
    • delicious
    Our new Dr Feil Protein-Muesli is free from grain and soy since it is based on sesame, sunseed-protein and popped organic amarant. Due to selected ingredients this muesli is low in carbohydrates and particularly rich in protein. Roasting with honey makes this protein-muesli incomparably crunchy and tasty. With raspberries and Peruvian Yacon-root it tastes sweet and crispy. It also provides important soluble fibres for the intestine.

    Dr. Feil Protein-Muesli

    €8.90 *

    In stock

  • The Dr. Feil spice mixture is the ready-made spice mixture for the daily preparation of curd cheese according to Dr Feil. You can also enrich your meals quickly and easily with these valuable spices.

    Dr. Feil Spice Mix

    €8.50 *

    In stock

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Dr. Feil Gut-Brot nuss brot00 Mehlfreie Eiweißbrot-Backmischung mit 72 Prozent Nuss-Saatenanteil - ohne Soja und ohne Weizen https://cdn.allsani.com/media/catalog/product/cache/3/image/265x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/b/r/brot_schachtel_alleine-schatten-web.png
EUR 7.95 InStock
Dr. Feil Leinöl leinöl-nicht-lieferbar Mühlenfrisches Leinöl 250 ml Flasche https://cdn.allsani.com/media/catalog/product/cache/3/image/265x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/l/e/lein_l_dr.feil_1200x1200_1_1.png
EUR 7.5 InStock
Dr. Feil Protein-Muesli emüsli550 free from soy and grains rich in protein delicious Our new Dr Feil Protein-Muesli is free from grain and soy since it is based on sesame, sunseed-protein and popped organic amarant. Due to selected ingredients this muesli is low in carbohydrates and particularly rich in protein. Roasting with honey makes this protein-muesli incomparably crunchy and tasty. With raspberries and Peruvian Yacon-root it tastes sweet and crispy. It also provides important soluble fibres for the intestine. https://cdn.allsani.com/media/catalog/product/cache/3/image/265x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/m/u/muesli_v02_web.png
EUR 8.9 InStock
Dr. Feil Spice Mix gewuerzmischung The Dr. Feil spice mixture is the ready-made spice mixture for the daily preparation of curd cheese according to Dr Feil. You can also enrich your meals quickly and easily with these valuable spices. https://cdn.allsani.com/media/catalog/product/cache/3/image/265x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/g/e/gew_rzmischung_dr.feil_1200x1200.png
EUR 8.5 InStock

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* All prices are inclusive of VAT, plus shipping costs